ON TOUR now (well almost now)

I want to right a blog entry about this unusual time we have between outreach and graduation. You see most DTSs come back from outreach then leave right away because the school is over. But this school is not like most DTSs. Did I mention it is seven months? Most schools are six months. I didn’t realize that till I got here. I mean I knew that it ran from September till March, but it wasn’t until I got here that I counted the months. Anyway that really doesn’t matter because we are on our last month.
So what are we doing with this last month? Art. After all this is an art school and we are artists. We have outreach projects to finish… right outreach projects :/ ummm. We are also working on putting together another ATOM magazine (if you check out my first blog entry there should be a link to last years ATOM Magazine) And- as if that isn’t enough to do- we are preparing to go on tour. Which for any other YWAMers, the tour is equivalent to mini outreach except we are doing it after outreach.
Let me tell you a little more about this tour. The whole school has been split into 7 to 10 tour teams. My team, which I choose to be on, is going to Bavaria. Important things/awesome things about this tour:
  • The person who organized it (which is different from the person leading it) is my one-on-one.
  • We are going to her church, which is extremely excited about us coming.
  • They are planning worship times for us, and trying to get us into some of the surrounding schools. We will also have at least one day fully devoted to displaying our art.
  • We may even get to help with a healing ministry.
  • Last but not least, the Base’s band Liz and the Lions (Which are touring the east coast -including some PA shows- in June) will be coming on tour with us, and preforming at the end of the week.

You want to know how I know all this, considering it’s not often that we know details until right before the event because my one-on-one is a true German and made a schedule. So yeah, we go on tour March 10th. Until then I’ll be busy working on projects.
~Bethany Graybill
