I'm not 21 any more...

I've had soo much on my mind since we got back from our beach camping trip last weekend. We had a lot of fun on this camping trip. We went to Frisco Woods campground on the Outer Banks, NC. Our camp site was on the water facing the mainland. It was beautiful. The whole weekend was just a time of relaxing.

It all started with crab catching and seashell collecting...

While I was cleaning up from breakfast friday morning, David and Josiah started wading in the water trying to catch crabs and minnows. They were pretty successful too. They caught a big crab that they had fun poking at. Then as I sat there watching, they caught what would be our pet for the rest of the weekend. A hermit crab in a pretty green shell. It must have been the time of the day because they ended up catching multiple hermit crabs. After creating a temporary habitat, we decided to go down to the beach. Of course the first thing we do is, head straight for the water and start jumping waves.  The waves were not too big but they hit you with some force and for me that got old quick. I started collecting a few seashells to make a better habitat for the hermit crab. When the guys came back we all went for a walk, collecting seashells along the way. For a split second we were all kids again, just running around grabbing shells, avoiding the waves as the rolled in, and chasing seagulls. Yet, at the same time I could imagine me walking on the beach with my own child running up to me to show me the seashell he/she found. It brought back all the found memories of me and my parents at the beach when I was little. How my parents would stand on either side of me and swing me up over the waves, or how dad taught me to bury my feet in the sand before a wave came in. It made me think about how I might want to share that with a child of my own.
These thoughts stayed with me the rest of the camping trip and when we were driving home I brought it up to David.

The Five Year Plan...

That conversation started with me saying that in five years David would be 30 and I would be 28. Then in a mashed-up-mumble-jumble-string-of-thoughts that only a women can have, I went through our a five year plan. Including cars, houses, kids, jobs ext. Because we don't want to be too old when we have kids, and we need to own a house before we have kids, and we both need to be pretty secure in our jobs when we buy a house, and I need a new car so that needs to be top priority, and this, and that, and more. I would say our five year plan, but at the end of my thought process David kindly reminded me that we had agreed that we would decide on kids when I turned 25. That is in 1 year 4 months and 14 days. I'm not gonna lie, this revelation gave me a small panic attack. My mistake being that I keep thinking that our five year plan starts now. I keep forgetting that we have been married for 2 years 3 months and 27 days. That is almost halfway through our first five years and so almost halfway through what should be our five year plan.

I'm Not 21 Anymore...

In my head I am. In my head I have all the time in the world. Everyone always tells me I got married young. Doesn't that mean I can take my time while everyone else catches up? But time goes quick. Every time I think it's going to slow down, something else comes up. We just got settled in Augusta, but our lease is up at the end of the year. Now I'm thinking we need to start looking into buying a house. My car is on it's last leg, but I know I have to wait to see if we get a tax return before we can afford a new one. And I have a weight goal I want to reach before I get pregnant and gain all that baby weight. Moving took a hit on us financially also. I'm not saying we are not ok; I'm just saying for being halfway through our five year plan, we are not where I want us to be.

But we will figure it out...

This was and still is a busy year, we've don'e a lot. There are things that we can and will do to make it slow down. There are things we can and will do to save money. There are things we can and will do to make sure we are mentally ready for all that is to come. 

I saw this quote on Facebook and thought it was fitting:

"You are not going to master the rest of your life in a day. Just relax. Master the day. Then just keep doing that everyday."

And so Now I'm going to go master my day. The apartment needs cleaned and it won't clean itself. I know cause I've been waiting on it. lol



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